Frenzy in Manila, Philippines

Fighting the fray
Swarmed by tuk-tuk drivers, we weave between their front wheels, flatten ourselves between the chassis, dodging laminated tour itineraries thrust into our faces. Enough to break into a sweat and swiftly make a u-turn back to the courtesies of the cruise ship. We are hounded every now and then  while we walk from the port all the way to the old city, Intra Muros, and from there to China Town.  A beggar tails us while crossing Jones Bridge, making it diffcult for us to appreciate the beauty of the wrought iron lampposts.

Calisthenic negotiation to a non event
We walk with slanting feet on the uneven pier walkway that slopes sideways, between yellow barred barriers that lead us into the hall that has copious seating but limited staff ( who turned up later than the passengers) at the information desk. Woe to the wheel-chaired, if not for the shuttle buses, which of course take you to Robinson Place , an upend mall all decorated and stocked for Christmas.
A Nail biting cool evening  
We brave a late evening walk taking advantage of the cooler air only to get glimpses of sights on the opposite side of the road, especially the beautifully lit fountain, obstructed by heavy vehicle truck traffic while inhaling poisonous fumes. 

It's all about strategy.
We hold our breath as we gingerly tread the crosswalk with faded lines and impatient drivers who will not stop for anything. What you do is wedge between vehicles on one lane and peek into the next watching the traffic move until someone slows enough for you to dart across. The truck on the next lane will probably stop, and you cross. The vehicle on this lane stops. You clear the lane. There's one more hurdle. The walkways are so high you have to make an effort to climb onto them. There is nothing to hold on to to swing yourself up. No wonder pedestrians simply cross the road whenever they feel they can weave and dodge trusting the wheels will  slow down.  Local pedestrians  are unencumbered while the vehicles nonchalantly  cause congestion, cough up smoke and blind with headlights. The novice will chew his nails off.

Go with the flow
Even more shocking , during the evening rush hour, vehicles with their blinding headlights on, tail each other. Motorbikes weave among the four lanes and when they find a ramp to the sidewalk, they drive onto it! . . . And continue to drive! When we are walking along the Boulevard beside the golf course the only light comes from these motorbikes coming against us forming 3 lanes. Ever so often we have to  jump aside and hope that we do not trip on the exposed roots of the huge trees. Capping this was the fact that a policeman on his bike was parked at one of the broader ramps and he didn't bat an eye. Perhaps this is how they deal with nasty snarls.

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