Bearded, for his Beard


On our second trip to Australia, 2002, we flew in to Sydney. Drink went through a curious scrutiny at the customs clearance. He was wearing a cap and sporting a beard. Suspicious? Did he even remotely resemble Osama followers? No surprise if the customs officers had their doubts. He had to open his umbrella (never leaves home without one) to confirm he had no hidden weapons. Next came the water bottle. He had to drink the water from it, presumably to prove that it did not contain poison and that he was no threat to the country. The whole routine amused us no end. 

it wasn't the only instance. In 2005 He was queried by the police while roaming the streets in Nagoya, Japan, during that very same Osama era. It garnered him a free ride in a police car after he was cleared within moments at a police station. 

I've tried to get him to shave off his beard not only because of the misconceptions but also because I thought he looked a little bedraggled in it. Needless to say, for those of you who know him, my pleas have remained futile.

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